Payment Methods
Accepted Payment Methods:
At, we prioritize the security of our customers' financial information. For this reason, we never ask for your financial information directly. Instead, all payments are securely processed by trusted third-party gateways, including PayPal, Interac, and trusted credit card processors. We accept a wide range of popular payment methods, including Email Money Transfer (Interac), cash, PayPal, and all major credit cards. Rest assured that when you make a purchase with us, your payment information is safe and protected.
When making a purchase at our store, whether in-store or online, you can choose any of the payment methods mentioned above to complete your transaction. If you are making an online purchase and do not wish to use PayPal, you can still complete your order by selecting Cash on Delivery (COD) as your payment option. Simply send us an email at with your order number, and we will send you an invoice via email with the option to pay using your credit card online, without the need for a PayPal account.
If you have any questions or concerns about our payment methods or the checkout process, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 647-510-4665 or by email at We are always happy to assist you.
All of your information is secured with us and for further details how we handle your information Please check our Privacy Policy. and Personal Information Policy.